The Future of Food is Around a Table

With the festive season approaching, it’s the right time of year to think about the value of eating together.

Food has been snackified and liquified in an effort to mold it to fit into on the go lifestyles.  We've fallen into the habit of desk top dining, kerbside crunching, gobbling and gulping on the go. But as consciousness around the role food plays in our lives evolves to recognise the value that eating together brings to physical, mental and social health and wellbeing, the future of food will see it return to the table.

Eating together enhances relationships
While talking with a colleague recently he was saying how relieved he was that he had been able to develop such a great relationship with his teenage step son.  A challenging time of life for anyone, he put the success of the relationship down to the fact that each day, they sit down together as a family to eat dinner, taking their time, sitting around a table and talking.  This daily ritual provides the space for his step son to open up and talk, to connect with him in a relaxed and meaningful way.  An opportunity to communicate that otherwise doesn't exist in their on the go lifestyles.

Eating food around a table with others allows for connections to form with those important to you. It’s one way of nurturing valuable relationships.

Eating together enhances health
What common sense will tell you is true, research has confirmed.  In families with teenagers, those who eat dinner together more frequently have higher wellbeing scores, lower rates of depression and are more likely to be a healthy weight.   With 1 in 5 Australians suffering a mental health problem at some point in their life, connecting through food, that’s eaten with others around a table, is one way to enhance our wellbeing. 

How, when and with who we eat is as important as what we eat.

Eating together enhances brand engagement
Masterfoods recognised the value that eating together has for families in their Make Dinner Time Matter campaign while a Canadian company, Presidents Choice, initiated a campaign based onthe hashtag #EatTogether with an emotionally compelling video in support.  Companies are now recognising that 'health' is much more than physical wellbeing - it also incorporates mental, spiritual and social aspects and food can be a facilitator in each of these areas.

This festive season may be a good opportunity, if you have the chance, to embrace the benefits of eating together with family and friends. Buon appetite!

Sharon Natoli